Hey fellow geeks!
the server upgrade was successfully launched and we hope you have lots of fun with this new dating power!
If you do happen to experience problems or have questions, please contact our support@g33kdating.com
Thank you and have fun with g33kdating!
Original News:
Tomorrow at 7:30 am (Tuesday), we’re leveling up our server for an epic boost! Downtime is around 2 hours, but ideally, you won’t even notice – just a short pause in your geeky rendezvous.
Why the upgrade? g33kdating is a hit, and we need a server that matches the epic scale! The new server is like an upgrade to the latest gaming system –more power for an even better dating experience.
What to do:
Thanks for being part of our Geek community!
May your connection be strong, and your matches legendary.
G33k on!